Our mind plays a very powerful role in what we believe and how we think. What we think about ourselves and our abilities decides how we act and lead our life. What you believe is what you achieve. Conscious or unconscious, how you choose to interpret your experiences can set the boundaries on what you can accomplish. And it all depends on the type of mindset you have.
Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset
People with a fixed mindset believe that you are either born with special talents and gifts or not. This suggests that a person is not able to succeed in something if he or she does not possess a special gift given to them at birth. They also believe that your intelligence is set and can not develop no matter the time or effort. For people with fixed mindset failures serve as a proof of the lack of special abilities. Thinking behind a fixed mindset is, “I am either good at it or not”. These people receive feedback and criticism as a personal attack and not as a way for getting better. Thus the potential of such people is predetermined.
Growth mindset, on the contrary, believes that talents, abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort and practice. People with a growth mindset see mistakes as feedback that help them learn. They know that confusion and productive struggle are part of the learning process and persevere as problem-solvers when frustrated or challenged. Growth mindset people know that it is their effort, actions, attitude and hard work that predetermine their success.
Do you have a Fixed or Growth Mindset?
Identify whether you have a fixed or growth mindset by agreeing or disagreeing to the following eight statements.
Answer Yes or No to the following statements and record your answers on a piece of paper.
Question 1. Your intellect ability is given to you by nature and it is impossible to change it.
Question 2. You are the way you are and it is impossible to change it.
Question 3. Anyone can master playing musical instruments.
Question 4. It is easier for men to learn Maths.
Question 5. The more you work on something the better you become.
Question 6. I like it when others tell me about my successes and failures.
Question 7. Everyone has the same ability to learn.
Question 8. Really smart people do not need to try hard.
Check your answers in the booklet page 3.Booklet
Building Children’s Growth Mindset
Educators play a key role in building positive mindsets of their students. By incorporating these questions into every day practice with children, educators increase students’ growth mindset development.
- What strategies will you try next?
- What questions should be asked or considered in this situation?
- What will you do to challenge yourself or improve?
- What growth goals can you set and monitor?
- What advice can you share to help or inspire others?
- What should you do when you make a mistake?
- What can you learn from others?
- How can you enhance efficiency, flexibility, performance and growth?
Every time we, parents and educators, talk to children we either enhance their growth mindset or detriment it. As research states, it is also crucial to choose words and sentences carefully to praise children in order to develop their growth mindset. Saying even a positive praise like “ You are so athletic” perpetuates a child’s fixed mindset. These “tag” appraisals state a fact but not a process or effort and make a child believe that something is true and is unchangeable. We offer you to look at the following phrases and intentionally choose the words that will build your child’s or student’s growth mindset.
Instead of saying
You are athletic.
You are really smart.
You are such a good artist .
You are a great musician. You could be the next Mozart.
You always get good grades, that makes me happy.
You are such a good person.
You really work hard and pay attention when you are on the field.
You work hard at school and it shows.
I can see you have been practicing your drawing.
Keep practicing and you will see great results
When you put forth efforts, your grades show it.
Your actions and decisions really make a difference.
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